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8 Contacts To Wear Instead Of Glasses

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We do not always feel like wearing glasses: they might be kind of uncomfortable after a while, when you try to tie your shoelaces, you have the feeling they are going to fall and break, and they get sweaty and foggy when we are at the gym. Sounds familiar? That is why we are going to recommend you 8 types of contacts so you do not have to wear glasses all the time.

These daily contacts are breathable, comfortable, and affordable. They offer lasting hydration and an easy-to-carry flat pack. As the lens is facing up in its package, it is more hygienic and safe against the bacteria in our fingers.

Daily as well, these lenses are specially designed to avoid irritations, sensitivities, and allergies.

Do you want to keep your eyes comfy, smooth, and highly moist throughout the day? These bi-weekly lenses help reduce the feeling of tired, dry, and irritated eyes.

Despite its 25 Dk/t oxygen permeability, it has a high percentage of water content to keep your eyes hydrated: 58%.

We can find monthly lenses too. Its comfilcon A lens material is perfect for long-lasting moisture. You will feel like you are wearing nothing at all!

Its 147 Dk/t oxygen permeability makes these lenses one of the most breathable options. But, of course, you have to take them off every night like any other lenses and clean them up.

With a 33% water content, these monthly colored ones are a great option for those who are looking for a touch of a different color in their eyes.

This option has a 55% water content for better moisture and four colors to choose from Blue, green, hazel, and violet. Your eyes will look completely different and will be perfectly hydrated.